How I Feel Choosing a Tech Stack in 2020

Félix Paradis
2 min readApr 30, 2020
Photo by Odd Sun on Unsplash

What a pleasure to start a project with a clean slate! Are there any words more beautiful than git init? Just gotta decide what my tools will be.

More and more, the Jamstack is the way to go. But the market is still astonishingly biased towards Wordpress, it never seems to go out of fashion. Shouldn’t I learn that?

No, I want an actual web app. I want it to be fast and secure, too. Wordpress isn’t cool. Managing servers isn’t cool. Jamstack is much better. Moving on!

Modern web apps are built with modern front-end frameworks. React is the obvious choice here. But Svelte makes much more sense. It proved itself to be faster, easier to learn, less verbose. It’s clearly better. But Svelte doesn’t have Typescript support yet…

If I’m gonna go for TypeScript, shouldn’t I go all-in with an actually typed language? Blazor came out and it looks really promising.

But I’m no C# developer, if I’m going to consider learning a new language I might as well consider Nim and Elm.

No, Nim and Elm, as awesome as they might be, don’t have big enough communities. Too risky.

But then again, if community is what matters most, React becomes the obvious choice again. React + Jamstack = Gatsby or Next.js. (There are many other React-based Static Site Generator options, but let’s stick to the 2 most popular.)

Wait… AMP pages get massive SEO boosts and React comes with a big bundle size. I’m really not sure about this choice anymore. Back to Svelte? Sapper does export to static. AMP has been rightly criticized since the beginning, maybe I don’t need to jump on that wagon. Google did respond to the critics, though, maybe I do need to jump on that wagon…

Well, one thing is for sure. I will host on Netlify.

Or Vercel.

Oh, I haven’t thought of the Database yet… Is MongoDB still the king of NoSQL? So it seems, but people have moved back to SQL in recent years… FaunaDB looks promising! I’m no expert in Databases, maybe I should simply look for the easiest solution.

Speaking of easy, all those No-code platforms are getting better and better! Am I putting effort in learning stuff that will be useless in a few years?

Considering the high probability of either a massive economic recession or climate change… Are people who know how to code web apps what the world really needs right now?

I’m dizzy. Maybe I will learn farming.



Félix Paradis

Web Developer writing about the web, mostly. Find my other stuff over at