Member-only story
Stop Getting Ready and Get Started
Whatever your current life goal is, you definitely need to spend some time getting ready; research your subject, learn the basics, meet people already involved, etc. But at some point, you also need to get started. There will never be a point in time where there is nothing left to be learned and failure becomes impossible. There will always be more courses you can take, more tutorials you can read, more preparation of all sorts and uncertainty.
Still, at some point, you have to just go for it.
I write this with a sense of authority because at least two times in my life I spent years getting ready while other people just went for it. Both times those who just went for it were right to do so. They didn’t achieve overnight success, but they got a head start and, quite frankly, they’re still ahead of me. The key difference between me and them is not one of skills or wits, the difference is that they got started while I prepared.
It’s easy to stop ourselves from getting started because of a classic human fear: fear of failure. We keep getting ready because we don’t want to face anything else than success. We forget that failure can be a great teacher.
Let’s imagine we were to start a business together, just you and me. How much do you think we would’ve learned 2 years from now? A whole lot more than if we spent 2…